English Meaning of ذهل ẕahl

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ذهل ẕahl : ذهل ẕahl A s. m. Forgetting, leaving, carelesly abandoning.

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ذيل ẕail
ذيل ẕail A s. m. The skirt of a garment, the train of a robe; the last, hinder, or supplemen- tary part of any thing; train, retinue, the se- quel, that which follows or is annexed, a list of particulars mentioned in a letter, an appendix. ر
ذوي ẕawī
ذوي ẕawī A (plur. in obj. case of ذو ẕū, q. v.) Having, possessing, endowed with.
ذراع ẕirāﻌ
ذراع ẕirāﻌ A s. m. 1. A yard. 2. A cubit. 3. Two bright stars in the head of Gemini.
ذره ẕarra
ذره ẕarra A (from ذرّ) s. m. An atom, a particle, a little, a jot, a tittle, an ace. (Plur. ذرات). ذره وار ẕarra-wār, Like an atom, minute, a little.
ذقن ẕaḳan
ذقن ẕaḳan A (Heb. The beard) s. m. The chin, the beard. چاه ذقن chāh-i-ẕaḳan, s. m. A dimple in the chin.
ذخر ẕuḵẖr
ذخر ẕuḵẖr A s. m. Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores, munition.
ذلل ẕalal
ذلل ẕalal A. s. Meanness, baseness.
ذواق ẕauwāḳ
ذواق ẕauwāḳ A (adj. sup. of ذوق) s. m. A taster.
ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra
ذخيره ẕaḵẖīra A s. m. Treasure, provisions, victuals, stores, munition.
ذمه ẕimma
ذمه ẕimma A s. m. Trust, charge, obligation, subjection, duty, service, fidelity, lineage. ذمي لينا ẕimme lenā, To take in charge, to take care of, to take upon oneʼs self.
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